Experience in the industry
30+ Years
Professional industry experience perfecting magic for paying audiences
Getting people talking
150+ 5-Star Reviews
Proud to have 100% 5-star reviews online
I have given
5,000+ Performances
Accross the UK and internationally
Whats up my sleeve
Infinite Possibilities
1,000s of effects + bespoke tailoring to your goals

Impressive Dinner and Corporate Event Magician Available In London
From performing magic at weddings in Mayfair to drawing crowds at trade shows and business conferences in the ExCeL or the Olympia, I love working my magic in London. Our capital city is a magical place, home of The Magic Circle and steeped in Magic and Variety entertainment history.
I work with both large and small audiences. For larger audiences I’m at home on a stage as part of a presentation, awards event or cabaret. For a smaller audience I’ve found myself performing magic in London private dining rooms between courses for groups from as few as 5 people. At balls, larger dinners and weddings, I mingle with the guests, bringing small groups of people together to get them laughing, joking and generally having fun.
I’d love to help you make sure you have the most memorable event in London this year (that’s a bloody big claim but I’ll roll with it and we can make it happen).
My Magic In London
Yes, I consider myself a Northerner but I was born in Harrow and lived in South Ruislip until I was 5 so London still holds a big place in my heart. Growing up with magic and variety as a hobby my mum would take me down to London on the train a few times a year when I joined The Magic Circle at 13. We’d trawl the magic shops, experience the street performers in Covent Garden and go and see shows in the evening.
Based in Wakefield, I can be in the heart of London in just 2 hours so let’s smash that North South divide, far better than HS2 did, and make your next London event magical with a Northern magician.