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As I discussed in a previous blog a few months ago, Harry Houdini has been a big inspiration of mine...
What are your thoughts on street entertainers? Are they an enhancement to your experience of being out and about or...
Close up magic is a popular choice for weddings right now – as well as keeping guests entertained and improving...
Regardless of whether you own a restaurant in Leeds, Huddersfield or the remainder of Yorkshire, one thing is for sure:...
“You’ll Like It, Not A Lot” Paul Daniels 1938 – 2016 This past week a lot of people have obviously...
Rather than write about what I do or can offer, today I’m going to give my thoughts on one particular...
As some of you probably know, my Wakefield, Leeds and Manchester Masterclasses have helped over 350 individuals to learn the...
Garage Trick Tuesday (#GTT) this week got me thinking and really made me want to get up and start creating...
I thought I’d talk a bit today about other things that I do outside the ‘Matthew J Magic’ umbrella. For...
Like I talked about last week, magic and variety entertainment is pretty much my life, and has been for a...
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